Code of Conduct (CoC)
Coppenrath Verlag GmbH & Co. KG – hereinafter referred to as Coppenrath Verlag – sees itself as a company acting worldwide with a great responsibility towards its own employees, its customers and its business partners. For this reason it commits itself to comply with clear principles that include fundamental social and environmental standards that are summarized here in the form of this Code of Conduct.
Coppenrath Verlag acknowledges and adheres to the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (UN, 1948), the “United Nations Rio Declaration on Environment and Development” (1992), the “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” (1998), as well as the “United Nations Global Compact” (1999). This Code of Conduct is based on the results of these international agreements.
Scope of Application and Compliance with the Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct applies to Coppenrath Verlag itself as well as to its direct business partners and extends to all suppliers, agents and/or subcontractors deployed by the direct business partners who are integrated in the production processes and supply chain. With this scope Coppenrath Verlag holds its suppliers of goods and services responsible for compliance with the following fundamental requirements. Suppliers shall also ensure such compliance is thereby extended to their directly deployed subcontractors.
Coppenrath Verlag reserves the right to review and inspect the following standards at any time, either by itself or via an appointed expert. Suppliers agree to actively accompany such inspections, to provide for unhindered access to their operational premises, and cooperate with any manage-ment or employee surveys.
1) Legal Compliance
Business partners agree to adhere to and follow valid national regulations, laws and legislation regulating their business operations. They shall comply with customary industry minimum standards and preferably overfulfill these.
2) Forced Labour
The ILO Conventions 29 and 105 must be observed. Any form of forced and compulsory labour is not tolerated. No employee may be forced to work, directly or indirectly, by means of violence and/or intimidation. At the time of employment employers may not require their employees to deposit any monetary sums or identification papers by way of security. Business partners grant their employees the right to leave their workplace and terminate their job in compliance with an appropriate notice period towards the employer.
3) Child Labour
Both child labour and exploitative child labour is prohibited in accordance with ILO Conventions 138 and 182. Should a national regulation concerning child labour provide for stricter measures, this regulation shall be applied preferably. Regarding permissible minimum age for employment, the ILO Convention 138 defined standards shall prevail in order to allow for the full mental and physical development of young persons.
4) Discrimination
Business partners must assure equal treatment and equal opportunities in their companies in accordance with ILO Conventions 100 and 111. Any discrimination on hiring, employment or termination on the basis of ethnic origin or nationality, skin colour, gender, age, religion, political inclination, union affiliation or association, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, marital status or other personal characteristics is not permitted. Male and female workers are to be remunerated equally for equal labour.
5) Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
Employees must be allowed to exercise their right to association; to join or found organisations or associations of their choice serving to promote and protect the interests of those employed in accordance with the ILO Conventions 87 and 98.
In countries in which the right to freedom of association is restricted under law, alternative possibili-ties to the objective representation of employees’ interests shall be allowed. Employee representa-tives are to be protected from discrimination. They must be granted open access to the workplaces of their colleagues.
6) Occupational Health and Safety
Business partners ensure a safe and hygienic working environment in accordance with ILO Convention 155 and ILO Recommendation 164. All necessary measures must be taken to avoid accidents and damages to health that can occur in conjunction with the occupational activity. In particular the supply and use of necessary protective equipment as well as access to clean sanitary facilities and to sufficient drinking water must be ensured. This applies to all accommodations and social areas as provided by the employer. It is further guaranteed that employees are regularly informed about and trained regarding the currently applicable health and safety norms.
7) Disciplinary Measures
Any form of physical, psychological, sexual or verbal harassment, disciplinary action, extortion or abuse is prohibited. Disciplinary measures may only be implemented under valid national laws in accordance with valid international human rights standards.
8) Labour Conditions
Conditions concerning hours of labour are in accordance with ILO Conventions 1 and 14. These conditions comply with national legislation or industry standards, of which the stricter stipulation shall prevail over the other. Hours of labour that do not exceed 48 regular hours of work per week are considered reasonable. Including overtime, working hours must not exceed 60 hours per week at any time.
Doing overtime shall remain an exception, and it shall be performed voluntarily at all times, in addition to being remunerated at an appropriate hourly wage rate. Furthermore, business partners will grant their employees the right to breaks on every working day and the right to at least one free day every seven days, provided that no exceptional regulations have been determined by means of collective agreements.
9) Remuneration
In accordance with the ILO Conventions 26 and 131, business partners pay appropriate remuneration that is sufficient to allow employees and their families to lead a dignified life. Business partners are obliged to pay, as a minimum standard, the statutorily applicable minimum wages or, in the event of these being higher, wages that comply with the approved industry standards on the foundation of collective bargaining. Wages are to be paid on time, regularly and completely in a statutorily accepted currency. Employees are to be provided complete and comprehensive information in writing regarding the composition of wages. The use of wage deductions as disciplinary measures or partial payments in the form of non-cash benefits is not permitted.
10) Corruption and Bribery
No form of bribery or corruption will be tolerated by Coppenrath Verlag. All business partners and their employees are to act in such a manner that no personal dependency, obligation or influence through the acceptance or payment of monetary or other such (re-)compensation arises. This is applicable even in individual countries where the acceptance and donation of gifts is considered as customary and courteous under national law; however at the same time this excludes any illicit offers or appeals to government officials.
11) Environmental Protection
Coppenrath Verlag takes the topic of environmental protection very seriously and views this topic as an integral part of its business practice and social responsibility. Business partners commit them-selves to comply with the environmental norms that apply in their respective countries. In addition to this, business partners will work towards optimising production processes in order to minimise environmental impacts to the greatest possible extent. Business partners themselves as well as all partners who are involved in the production process actively pursue a resource-saving and environ-mentally compatible way of production.
Complaints Procedures
All employees of business partners, their suppliers, subcontractors or their service providers are authorized to report any complaints or infringements against this Code of Conduct to Coppenrath Verlag anonymously.
Whistleblowers shall only give such indications which they hold true in good faith and to the best of their knowledge. Coppenrath Verlag will follow up on legitimate complaints and make contact with the business partner to identify measures that will remove the reported infraction.
Coppenrath Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Hafenweg 30
D-48155 Münster